How to interview (much) better with emotional intelligence

8 min read

Over the last 5 years, I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring more than 100 aspiring marketers and students. We work through anything from finding the right job to excelling at the job. But there’s one thing that has consistently puzzled me, that is hard to explain in words. It’s embodied by those who look perfect on paper, but who fall flat when you meet them in-person. Those who seem eager and passionate, but you can’t bear talking to them for more than 5 minutes IRL. Those mentees of mine who do everything right, but still can’t convince someone to hire them. So what’s the issue?

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What to look for in a marketing job posting

6 min read

As the new year approaches, I’m almost certain that many of your new year’s resolutions include mention of “getting a new job” or “move to a new role”. As it turns out, almost half of Canadians are dissatisfied with their jobs, and 55% of workers aged 18 to 34 want to bid adieu to their current gigs. It seems too many companies nowadays still do not understand what it takes to retain talent (or perhaps they just don’t care, in which case STEER CLEAR). This is why it’s critical to apply to new jobs with your eyes wide open!

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4 promo-blocking behaviours that most people think are good

6 min read

It’s a lovely Spring morning, and the aroma of fresh coffee beans envelope me like a cashmere blanket. I’m at a local coffee shop about to meet with a mentee, Nate*, who I haven’t seen in several months. He reached out via LinkedIn a few weeks earlier, as he was in town for a few days and “could really use some career advice”.

After ordering our respective lattes and a bit of catching up on life, our casual chit-chat evolves into a full-on rant about how he’s being passed up for promotions at his job. 

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